As Sineres has asked, does anyone know how to remove the eye emitter trails? I've had no problems with the pack itself, and kudos, this combination is exactly what I was looking for. But those damn eye trails make some of the exotic races completely unusable to me...if I could just figure out how to remove the eye trails...
kaedrin's prc pack races of faerun download
This is my go at combining Kaedrin's PRC Pack v1.40.1 together with Kamigoroshi's Races of Faerun 2.3.An earlier combination of RoF 2.3 and a earlier version of Kaedrin's work have been done by "muffildy + the other authors" and can be found here:LinkThere were some complications, namely there are only 9 SubRaceID columns and there are 10 elven subraces which should be able to choose an elven deity. So I had to make one race unallowed and this became the Half-Drow purely since the Drow is unallowed to choose from the Elven Deities.The combined nwn2_deities have Kaedrin's nwn2_deities as base and then RoF's nwn2_deities was added on top of this. This means that for the deities which is included in Kaedrin's file they have specified domains to choose from while the deities added in RoF does not.The combined racialsubtypes have RoF's file as base while Kaedrin's Star and Painted Elf was added to rows 130 and 131.Installation is easy. First download and "install" Kaedrin's and Kamigoroshi's fine work. Then just rename or delete the three files they have incommon.The three files are:dialog.tlknwn2_deities.2daracialsubtypes.2daAdd the three files found below instead.Observe that if you update Kaedrin's work and he haven't changed anything in the nwn2_deities file or the racialsubtypes file (you can check throuch compairing the 1.40.1 files with the new ones in a program called WinMerge) all you need to do is to update the Dialog.tlk and it should all be fine. 2ff7e9595c