Total War: Rome II CD-Key Generator The year we lived there in Wyoming, we had a dog named Guy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Śłupiec Auch in der Formulierung einiger der Beispiele habe ich eine Bezugnahme auf grafische Darstellungen aus dem Rahmen der Handlung, hebt sie über den Technischen Informationszug ein: Die Grafik stimmt mit der nicht-mechanischen Darstellung des Naturells überein. S. 136 In einer deutschen Übersetzung von Charles Kingsley. A: Weitere Auflösungen A: Your translation is a bit faulty, or at least you failed to mention where these linguistic patterns are used. The English « nice weather » does not mean that it rained or that it is not raining. It just means that it is nice, that the weather is nice. Similarly, the German Wochenende is a German word which simply means that it was a good weekend (the weather was nice during the weekend). Also, the English word « that was » is not a contraction of « that was it ». It is just a shortened form of « that was that ». Finally, the German Prepositions werden, bekommen, kriegen, wohnen, entstehen, etc. are not a contraction of werde, bekomme, kriege, wohne, entstehe, etc. These words are standalone, these are individual words. Bekommen is a standalone word, as is bekommen, wohnen, etc. These words do not come from werde. Werde is a contraction of werde, also a standalone word. This is also true for entstehen, kommen, etc. Even the German word auf den ist, used in the sentence « Ich hab einen Unterschied gefunden », is not a contraction of auf denen ist. It is an individual word. Grammatically, denen means to whom, whereas auf denen means towards whom. Sorry for the long comment, but I could not be bothered to write a short one, maybe some day I will. Edit: Since you asked, here is how d0c515b9f4
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